ISO 9001 Requirements - Needs and Expectations of Interested Party
As per ISO 9001 requirements, the identification of needs and expectations of the interested parties is very much important for the organization for further improvement of organizational performance, Credibility, and Customer Satisfaction along with the importance of meeting the requirements of
ISO 9001 Certification.
ISO 9001
Certification Requirement Clause 4
Clause #
4 -is the Context of the organization, this clause has the 4 Sub Clauses
#4.1 Understanding the organization and its context
#4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties
#4.3 Determining the scope of the quality management system
#4.4 Quality management system and its processes
Understanding the needs and expectations of
interested parties
the needs and expectations of interested parties – As per ISO
9001:2015 requirement Understanding the needs and expectations of
interested parties in view to effect or potential effects on the organization’s
ability to meet consistent requirements of products and services.
Let's understand who an interested Parties of the organization are (but not limited )
- Customers
- Employee
- Regulatory Body
-End-user of products /services
etc, and so on.
So while identifying the needs and expectations of the interested party the organization has to look into aspects of the organizational Quality Management System.
The Expectations Could be
- Organization Consistently Comply the Legal and Regulatory Requirements (Applicable )
- There should be no Rejections and Customer Complain
- Productivity enhancement consistently
- Employee Safety and benefits to be provided by the organization on a regular basis
- Delivery of products and services performed as per schedule
- Supplier to be treated as an integral part of the organization
So organizations while taking ISO 9001 implementation, must address the potential expectations do the proper Risk Analysis, understand the significance of expectations and take the necessary control measure. This will helps the organization build credibility, enhancement of productivity, enhancement of Customer Satisfaction through ISO 9001 Certification.
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