
Showing posts with the label ISO 27001:2013

ISMS (ISO 27001:2013) Observation for improvement

Observation or Opportunity for improvements by ISMS(ISO 27001:2013) In the overall listing of agenda items, observations were mentioned. During an assessment, the teams are concentrating on determining compliance and adequacy however, It is possible that they will also see areas/activities that, whilst meeting both of the basic criteria; are perhaps; • Suspect in terms of long-term sustainability • Less than well organized; • Over-complicated. Provide they give no direct evidence of failure, can be raised as audit findings CARs, but, in the spirit of improvement, Auditors should be prepared to find ways in which to bring them to the attention of the management for their possible consideration. They are not mandatory; they cannot be used against the company if they do not take on board the auditor's comments. They are simply statements that the auditor feel may be of benefit to the company.  Here you can get more information about the Lead Auditor Trai...

Benefits of Lead Auditor Training program of ISO 27001 ISMS

Benefits of the ISO 27001 ISMS Lead Auditor Training course Demonstrate knowledge of ISO 27001 ISMS requirements. Demonstrate skill in the implementation of ISO 27001 ISMS Demonstrate information security Risk identification, Risk assessment, Risk Treatment, setting up the control measure, and monitoring the ISMS ISO 27001 performance. Conduct effective Audit of ISO 27001 ISMS Become a potential third-party auditor for ISO 27001 ISMS more……… OSS certification is one of the leading organizations for Lead Auditor Training programs in different locations like Nagpur, Chennai……… OSS Lead Auditor Certificate for ISMS ISO 27001 is certified by Exemplar Global (RABQSA).  This certificate is global access. For more details about ISMS ISO 27001 LeadAuditor Training please visit our website