ISO 27001 Certification



ISO 27001 Certification and Its Benefits


ISO 27001 is an Information Security Management System

 ISO 27001 is implemented in the organization for ISO 27001 Certification, the importance of Information Security, the ISO 27001 Certification process, and the Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification are given below. Hope this will help the user to develop an understanding.


What is Information Security?

Information Security, also known as ISMS, is the practice of preventing unauthorized access, use, disclosure, modification, infection, and destruction of your company’s information.

These unauthorized practices can cause grave results for your company. The whole framework of information security is built around six principles: Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability, Non- Repudiation, Authenticity, and Accountability.

1) Confidentiality

This principle means that the confidential information of your company is not disclosed to individuals, entities, and processes.

2) Integrity

This principle means that the data or information of your company can in no way be edited without any given permission. It contributes to maintaining the accuracy of the data.

3) Availability

This principle means that the information should be available or accessible whenever required.

4) Non-Repudiation

This principle ensures that the parties involved in a contract or document transfer are unable to deny the authenticity of their signatures on the documents or that they were the originator of a particular transfer.

5) Authenticity

This principle ensures that those who claim to be who they are in actual fact who they say to be. It ensures that valid messages are received from trusted sources.

6) Accountability

This principle means that it should be possible to trace the actions performed on a system to a specific system entity such as a user, process, or device.


Why is Information Security Important?

Considering the importance of the role of confidential information to your company, it is best that you immediately take steps to protect your information.

You can just imagine what will happen if all your company’s confidential information was to be harmed. The results will be disastrous. Your company’s image will be affected, and your plans and secrets will be exposed among many other severe consequences.

A cyber-attack can cause serious damage to your company. Not only will your entire company be in danger, but also your customers and business partners as their associated data too will be vulnerable.

But keep in mind that it is not only the big companies who are vulnerable to these attacks. Small businesses generally tend to believe that their system won’t be attacked due to which they do not invest in information security systems.

But this is the major reason is why most of the attacks are usually targeted toward small businesses. The losses faced by large companies due to these attacks generate media attention even if the material stolen is small. On the other hand, for small businesses even if a fraction of their material is stolen, it can very much lead to the shutting down of their businesses. It can lead to bankruptcy as stolen information can cause financial problems.

Therefore, information security poses to be of great importance. For this very reason, professional and skilled individuals are required to oversee the security system effectively. These individuals will stop any sort of infiltration that initially was left undetected.

Organizations must also do their bid to ensure the implementation of an effective information security system. It is important to promote awareness of information security which can be done through training and initiatives. Security policies should also be enforced and undergo renewal regularly.


Information Security Management System

There is a Management System Standard – Known as - Information Security Management System- ISO 27001 – which is published by the ISO.

Most organization – that are looking for information security Management – adopts the ISO 27001 - Information Security Management System Standards for implementation in the organization to get ISO 27001 Certification

Organizations willing to keep their information safe & secure adopt ISO 27001 an Information Security Management System to help keep sensitive information secure. Information security is the main purpose of ISO 27001 certification. During the implementation of the Information security Management System, the organization does the Information risk assessment and treatment through proper implementation of ISMS controls.

For ISO 27001 Certification, the organization shall implement the Information Security Management System standard in the organization and integrate the ISO 27001 requirement with the organization's Business process, for enhancement of the Information Security of the organization to get optimum benefits of ISO 27001 Certification.


ISO 27001 Certification Process

  • Do the Gap Analysis
  • Develop the Policy /Procedures
  • Do Risk Analysis & Risk Treatments
  •  Develop the SOA (Statement of Applicability)- considering the Information Security Controls.
  • Do Internal Audit
  • Management Review meeting
  • Coordinate with ISO Certification Body for ISO 27001 Certification


Benefits of ISO 27001 Certification

  • Data / Information Security
  • Secure data exchange, handling, and processing
  • Risk Management
  • Reduced risk liability
  • Information Security Enhanced
  • Process performance of the organization Enhanced



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