RABQSA Certified ISO 9001,ISO14001,OHSAS 18001 Lead Auditor Training Course at Chennai from 10th May 2012

We are Organizing RABQSA Certified and IRCA-recognized ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 18001 Lead Auditor Training course in Chennai, India, From 10th May 2012.
The above Lead Auditor Training course has been designed based on the RABQSA competency unit requirements QM, EM, OH, AU &TL of the relevant standards.

The objective of the Lead Auditor Training course is to develop the Auditing skill of participants for the relevant management system. Through appropriate Workshops, Group Discussions, Role play, and Home exercises during the course of Lead Auditor Training and meet the RABQSA competency requirements.

Interested Participants in attending the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & OHSAS 1800 Lead Auditor Training course at Chennai, India, are requested to Apply for Registration.

Our Contact Information for Lead Auditor Training course Registration is as follows

EMIAL ID - info@osscertification.com

Ph# + 91-11-28042353

Mobile # +91-9818700579

For more information about the Lead Auditor Training course, Kindly visit us at https://www.osscertification.com/


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